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ESPECIAL Benjamin Raynal 

ART&abuleiro à conversa com o ilustrador Benjamin Raynal 


"...It's very boring to have fun playing with a bad artstyle game ! even if it's a good game"


GiL - Tell us a little bit about yourself. When did you start to work with illustrations and how this path led you to board games?

Benjamin - I'm 36 years old and i live in south of France. I have study in artschool and be comic's professor. I'am a drawner and my artstyle matched well with King of Tokyo. I have juste meet some people who work in boardgames industry who ask me to work on King of Tokyo.

GiL - How many games have you done the artwork for, and in which projects are you working right now?

Benjamin - Two other, Uchronia and Crôa. Today i work on comic and book for the young. Even if working on boardgame design stay really fun 

GiL - Your style varies from the more “serious” or to the more cartoonish, how do you coordinate the line of work for the different styles of board games?

Benjamin - I like to change styles. For me each project is an opportunity to do something new.

GiL - Besides board games, do you do illustrations for any other media?

Benjamin – Yes for book for the youth, and sport.

GiL - where do you get your inspiration and how do you do the research for your drawings?

Benjamin - Drugs- only drugs ! Seriously, the time i have wasted in comic/manga reading, video gaming and movies watching in my youth give me a good overview of artstyle and inspiration for a long time... Now i watch people on the street it's enough. 


GiL - How do you credit the success of a game to its illustrations? How important they are to the success of a game?

Benjamin - Yes i think cause It's very boring to have fun playing with a bad artstyle game !  even if it's a good game.

GiL - Which are your favorite games and your favorite games designers?

Benjamin - Favorites Games ? Dobble of Asmodée, i playtested it two years ago,it's a really fun game. also i am a fan of Richard Garfield since Magic the gathering. And I've play dungeons and dragons when i was young... a bit too much! 

GiL - Do you think that board games can be use for an education purpose?

Benjamin - For King of Tokyo ? yes if you want to teach to your children how snap his little brother or destroy his lego city , Seriously i have play with families at king of tokyo and children are fond of it !

GiL - What you know about Portugal? Have you ever visited Portugal?

Benjamin - I have visited Lisboa, Nazareth and it was really fun. I never forget, fado, bacalhao. And Superbock !

GiL - Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions, and we hope to see many more of your artwork in the future.

Já se clicava...

Thanks Again