Entrevistas - Interviews - インタビュー

Julho 2013

Entrevistas - Interviews - インタビュー

Junho 2013

Entrevistas - Interviews - インタビュー

Maio 2013

Entrevistas - Interviews - インタビュー

Fevereiro 2013

Entrevistas - Interviews - インタビュー



Giorgio de MicheLe board game artist

Dezembro 2012

Entrevistas - Interviews - インタビュー



Chris Quilliams board game artist


Janeiro 2013


Benjamin RaynaL board game artist

junho 2012

ART&abuleiro à conversa com o ilustrador Benjamin Raynal 


"...It's very boring to have fun playing with a bad artstyle game ! even if it's a good game"


Dennis Lohausen board game artist 

abril 2012


Bony du Mipeul board game artist

(Março 2012) 

Interview with Stéphane Poinsot board game artist (Maio 2011)


Interview with Pierô board game artist (Fevereiro 2011)


Interview with Loic Lamy board game designer (Abril 2011)


Interview with Miguel Coimbra board game artist


Interview with Alain Ollier board game designer                


Interview with Alexandre Roche board game artist                          


Interview with Michele Mura board game designer          


Interview with John Yianni board game designer


Interview with John Douglass board game designer



Giulia Ghigini board game artist

junho 2012


Klemens Franz board game artist

maio 2012


Tony Rochon board game artist 

(Março 2012) 



Lars-Arne "Maura" Kalusky board game artist

(Janeiro 2012)